Run Program

Warm Up 5 Minutes

Jog  1 Minute

Walk 1 Minute 30 Seconds

(do this for 8 rounds)

Cool Down  5 Minutes

Week 1 Run 3 | Couch to 5K Program

I get the feeling that this running thing is just going to be just like CrossFit, once you get comfortable with it, it ups the ante. I run the 1 minute runs sort of comfortably, I am feeling better is what I should be saying, nothing is comfortable yet.

I’m keeping tabs via my Apple watch as to how many seconds I have to go, when the watch doesn’t work properly then I get stressed, I get stressed when it tells me to run, I lose count of the reps even though the watch is going to tell me when to run.

One day this will be fun, I am sure of it. Ho hum, not sure how well next week is going to go when we add 30 seconds on to the running time, the bonus however is that we get extra recovery time too.

Feeling sore, got a sore achilles tendon and shin splints, think its because I am flat footed. I need some shoes that suit my flat feet. One thing at a time.