Nikki's CrossFit Journey
SassFit Logo


Nikki King


My own home gym



Starting Weight:


Current Weight:



Number of Days from the Start…

6 years 3 months 11 days

Latest VLOG

Help me get to Melbourne for the Masters League Games



Saturday Breakfast | 27th October 2018 |

Saturday Breakfast | 27th October 2018 |

WOD  400m run to warm up 50 Burpees (40 Burpees) 400m run (200m Run) 100 Push Ups (50 Push Ups) 400m run (200m Run) 150 Walking Lunges (100 Walking Lunges) 400m Run (200m Run) 100 Push Ups (50 Push Ups) 400m Run (200m Run) 50 Burpees (40 Burpees) ** It was...

CrossFit Lite | Thursday 25th October 2018

CrossFit Lite | Thursday 25th October 2018

I'm my own worst enemy. I look up the WOD the night before and decide I can't do something. I nearly, so very nearly flagged the workout on this day. I'd spotted the hand stand walks and the inch worms.  I'm a bit of a theory buff too so I look up all the...

CrossFit Lite | Tuesday 23rd October 2018

CrossFit Lite | Tuesday 23rd October 2018

The WOD started with a plate carry for a warm up, which I found pretty hard to keep the 10kg plate overhead in the air, didn't come in too far behind so that was a bonus. We spent some time warming up the shoulders and doing some dead hangs.  I still can't take my...

C25K (Couch to 5K) and beyond… 

Week 6 Run 3 | 25th June 2019 | C25K

Week 6 Run 3 | 25th June 2019 | C25K

Run ProgramWarm Up 5 MinutesJog 22 MinutesCool Down  5 Minutes  Week 6 Run 3 | Couch to 5K ProgramIt was a morning run, I'd been up to the lake with William before school and there was mist on the lake. William and I go there to feed the geese (and ducks) but mainly...

Week 6 Run 2 | 21st June 2019 | C25K

Week 6 Run 2 | 21st June 2019 | C25K

Run Program Warm Up 5 Minutes Jog  10 Minutes Walk 3 Minutes Jog 10 Minutes Cool Down  5 Minutes Week 6 Run 2 | Couch to 5K Program It was Friday and running after the school run in the morning was impossible. I had a meeting, then a client then school pickups so...

Week 6 Run 1 | 19th June 2019 | C25K

Week 6 Run 1 | 19th June 2019 | C25K

Run Program Warm Up 5 Minutes Jog  5 Minutes Walk 3 Minutes Jog 8 Minutes Walk 3 Minutes Jog 5 Minutes Cool Down  5 Minutes Week 6 Run 1 | Couch to 5K ProgramIt was a crazy day, I was meant to get a CrossFit workout at lunchtime but Coach Nga was sick. So I programmed...