I’m my own worst enemy. I look up the WOD the night before and decide I can’t do something. I nearly, so very nearly flagged the workout on this day. I’d spotted the hand stand walks and the inch worms.  I’m a bit of a theory buff too so I look up all the movements and the terms.  Didn’t know what ME stood for (Maximum Effort).

The workout started positively with a 400m row for warm up, I’ve done so much rowing now that 400m seems like nothing (I do find it a bit boring though). Then some mobility with dynamic arms and legs.

The prep for this workout had me a bit worried, I didn’t think I could do shoulder taps, I had a larger weight for kettle bell swings, and inch worms just looked like a new variation on bear crawls (which drove me to tears last time).

Felt great, managed the kettle bells, the weight felt heavy but manageable. I managed shoulder taps, this is a major improvement on not being able to support my own weight. Inch worms were doable, I’m not going to say they are my favourite move and then onto scorpions.

The Metcon was 1 minute ME Kettle Bell swings (maximum effort) and 1 minute of bear crawls. This week no tears, everything all good. Workout completed followed by a sit up routine where we increased the reps every 30 seconds, I was out at 9 rounds. One to beat next time.

Post Workout

I felt my shoulders, abs and glutes 24 hours later and into Saturday mornings workout. I don’t feel like bear crawls will bring me to tears again, well maybe they will, never say never ay! That’s CrossFit, you never know what you are going to get!