Week 8 Run 3 | Couch to 5K Program
OMG I was so stiff this morning. I spent the whole of Saturday on my feet judging a CrossFit Competition and I was so tired yesterday, so I put off running. The weather was awful anyway. I had a mental health day and did absolutely nothing.
This morning I decided to run early and went out at around 8.15am to the lake. It was drizzling as I drove out to the lake. I haven’t run since the terrible run I shouldn’t have done last Wednesday. I feel better for the rest though. The downside was the stiffness.
I start the run and instantly feel like I want to stop, my legs just didn’t want to loosen up this morning. It was nice and quiet though and not too much foot traffic on the path around the lake. I got into the swing of it but kept waving between “oh no” and “ooh yeah” all the way. I got to the lake side from the exercise loop and I finally feel like I can get into some kind of zone, I was there for about 5 minutes before I start to feel out of it again.
Then I spot a man on the footpath with a small dog. He was going slowish, I hate having to pass people, especially if they are going only a little slower than me, this means I have to speed up and lose my pace. Luckily his dog needed to poop, in my head I’m thinking, you’d better pick that up so I can get past you.
He stops and picks up the poop. Yes, I go past him, yes it’s a minor victory for mankind. This is also at the top of the incline on the river loop which is a bonus as its all down hill from here.
As I get onto the part of the loop that heads back to the car park I realise I am in fact going at a good pace today, so even though I feel tired I’m pushing it faster and running further.
I finish the run just as I reach the lakeside and have to double back on myself to do the cool down. Yay, in total (including the walking) I have done 3.75km – I reckon had I run that 10 minutes I should be somewhere near 5K. I need a race to test that out.
3 more runs until graduation of the program. Then I’m moving onto the 10K app woo hoo. Who’d have thought it. I might even make a 10K run yet.