Run Program
Warm Up 5 Minutes
Jog 1 Minute
Walk 1 Minute 30 Seconds
(do this for 8 rounds)
Cool Down 5 Minutes
Week 1 Run 1 – Couch to 5K Program
I decided to compliment my CrossFit workouts with the Couch to 5K program, basically because I am so very crap at running. My running is a bit like a flailing animal crossed with a steam train. It lets me down on my workouts and I’ve basically always wanted to be able to run, since being a little girl. It has always been a trial, and I’ve always suffered badly with asthma. There are lots of asthmatic runners though so I guess, I was never pushed to get past any pain barriers as a child.
At school I did quite like the 800m and the 1500m – I was never a short distance sprinter, nor a long distance runner. I played sports such as netball and hockey although netball wasn’t a strong game of mine.
Anyway this i the day I start Couch to 5K, there was a bit of procrastination on the way to buy hair ties and phone holders and earphones but we decided to just get on with it.
Even though Pete can run, he’s doing this with me to keep me accountable, he wants me eventually to also do the burpee challenge that he did a while ago, he reckons that will sort everything out, but this is the start.
Gosh I found the 30 second of running real hard, I was puffing all through the recovery walks, am I ever going to run 5K. One would hope so. I got through this first hurdle, the hurdle of starting.