We did a 400m run as a warm up and then did some interesting warm up tabata exercises. After doing some dynamic shoulders the first one was a dead hang alternated with kettle bell overhead walking. Tabata is 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds. It can be pretty challenging. Next move was Lizard then onto tabata open and close the gate alternated with air squats. The final move was dynamic leg swings and tabata lunges alternated with coccyx.

We did some prep for the METCON, we were doing barbell DT which is a designated WOD. This was all weights based. We did three rounds of prep.

I stood wondering whether I should weight my bar.  The ladies bar is 15kg unloaded and I wondered what my shoulder to overhead would be like with weight on.  Trust coach, he said if I had to ask that question then the answer would probably be yes. I stuck another 5kg onto the bar, I’m so glad I did, I could possibly have done more.



5 rounds of the following:

12 deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to Overhead

We were doing this for time, time cap was 12 minutes:


How I felt during the DT METCON

I managed the first round, the overheads were hard even though there were only six of them. I did wonder whether I would finish in the time cap, I’m a bit rubbish at knowing where I am.

On the third round I started to struggle to push the overheads up I was still managing the deadlifts okay, the hang power cleans were hard.

Somewhere in the fourth round I decided to work on the form of the overheads, this helped me to get the power I needed to thrust up the weight. That felt a lot better and I started moving quicker. My last round was hard but I had the determination to get this done before the 12 minute time cap. 

I did, my time was 9 mins 50 secs, at 20kg weight. I was buzzing after the workout, I didn’t think that I would finish at all. It’s surprising how your fitness just keeps on growing each week, each week I surprise myself and each week brings new challenges.