This was an interesting night, we were doing workouts that the full CrossFit class were doing for the affiliates cup.  I looked at the board and then I stared in disbelief, there were about 5 or 6 workouts on the board. There had been no WOD posted to Wodify and the standing joke in our house is that this is always a bad sign.

As you can see this was a pretty full on night.


I felt a huge boost to my fitness during this workout, I didn’t come last in everything and I felt I could achieve and push myself through the workouts, even though at the beginning of the night I was apprehensive about it.

The burpees at the end turned into a competition, with the girls against the boys. I was doing bodybuilders on the lowest box and to be honest I think I was making them look too easy. Coach instructed me in the last round to get down and do burpees on the floor – we were in front until this moment but I held my own even though getting up and down to the floor is a mission.

I felt really good that I did that though and its another move forward in my fitness journey.