Nikki's CrossFit Journey
SassFit Logo


Nikki King


My own home gym



Starting Weight:


Current Weight:



Number of Days from the Start…

6 years 3 months 9 days

Latest VLOG

Help me get to Melbourne for the Masters League Games



Latest from my athlete training…

Latest from my athlete training…

Where to begin, it's been such a long time since I updated this site. I've been through so much. Last year I qualified for the finals of the Masters League Games in Melbourne, this year I'm taking a much needed break from competing. I do quite a bit on Instagram and I...

OMG a blog post… update on my progress at SASSfit

OMG a blog post… update on my progress at SASSfit

It's been over a year since the move to SASSfit and I've been extremely quiet on this site. Most of the action has been centered around my social media, growing my Instagram and blogging the life of a 50+ masters functional fitness athlete. Life has been more focussed...

My Journey So Far 2020 with CrossFit Manaia, Masterton

My Journey So Far 2020 with CrossFit Manaia, Masterton

My Second Year 2019/2020   Well, who would have thought I'd still be here after two years... but here I am. There are no miracle diets, no miracle cures and no will power pills that will help you become a better, fitter, healthier person. It's all down to hard...

C25K (Couch to 5K) and beyond… 

Week 8 Run 3 | 15th July 2019 | C25K

Week 8 Run 3 | 15th July 2019 | C25K

Run Program Warm Up 5 Minutes Jog  28 Minutes Cool Down  5 Minutes  Week 8 Run 3 | Couch to 5K ProgramOMG I was so stiff this morning. I spent the whole of Saturday on my feet judging a CrossFit Competition and I was so tired yesterday, so I put off running. The...

Week 8 Run 2 | 10th July 2019 | C25K

Week 8 Run 2 | 10th July 2019 | C25K

Run Program Warm Up 5 Minutes Jog  28 Minutes Cool Down  5 Minutes  Week 8 Run 2 | Couch to 5K ProgramOkay so I got it into my head I needed to run today and I put it out there on Facebook. A few friends said run, coach said no have a rest day and a ROMWOD. Did I...

Week 8 Run 1 | 9th July 2019 | C25K

Week 8 Run 1 | 9th July 2019 | C25K

Run Program Warm Up 5 Minutes Jog  28 Minutes Cool Down  5 Minutes  Week 8 Run 1 | Couch to 5K ProgramI had a rest day yesterday, my hip and back have been a bit sore since Sunday / last Thursday. I also had a client booked in at 9am yesterday and the weather turned...